Provider Contract Food Service has named Kevin Caffey Interim Vice President Southwest Operations and Business Development.
Kevin first joined Provider in 2021, when he was appointed Director of Business Development, overseeing the expansion of Provider Contract Food Service. Since then he has been the driving force behind Provider’s growth in the Southern and Midwestern regions, namely securing Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, and Southwest Baptist University, in Bolivar, Missouri.
Kevin spent the last decade working in administrative leadership roles at universities across Texas. His unique understanding of the challenges facing higher education leaders today enables him to better serve our newest clients.
“Kevin had demonstrated a keen sense of our Hospitality and Stewardship mission,” said Rodney Couch. “He also has exemplified the Servant Leadership skills necessary to help lead the expansion of our brand.”
Kevin will be immediately charged with helping both Rodney Couch and Kipp Dougherty lead the Provider expansion in the Southwestern market, including the summer launch of both new accounts. Kevin will also continue in his role working with the entire Provider team on business development. Kevin will join Kipp Dougherty, Denise Keller, Arron Percoco, and Rodney Couch on the Executive Team of PHI.